50 Ft Azimut Flybridge Yacht - Isla Mujeres Чартери чамаца

О овој јахти

About This Motor Yacht:
Explore the waters of Isla Mujeres for an amazing outdoor experience in Mexico with this "50 ft Azimut motor yacht" with a flybridge, couches, and front sunbed that can comfortably carry up to 15 persons.

She has 3 A/C cabins and 2 restrooms. With rates starting as low as $300 USD per hour (minimum of 4 hours).

For guests searching for an elegant and spacious yacht, this boat rental is the ideal choice. This boat provides outstanding service to fulfill the requirements of its passengers.

Accommodation: There are two cabins, two bathrooms, a stateroom, an upper lever, and a front space.

She is the boat that can accommodate the requirements of both ambitious individuals and large families. It was created with lovely furnishings, contemporary facilities, and ample space.

Trip Details

You may participate in nearly any maritime activity in Isla Mujeres. Playa Cocos or Playa Norte, located in the northern section, is ideal for swimming or just relaxing while taking in the Mexican Caribbean sunsets because of its fine sand, clear water, and gentle waves.

What You Can Expect:

This “50 ft Azimut Motor Yacht” is stylish and offers unparalleled volume for a boat of her size. It is fully fitted with a luxurious interior, air-conditioning, and all necessities for a day trip.

The spacious cockpit and the flybridge are the ideal places to relax or sunbathe and explore the many islands around Isla Mujeres, Cancun, and Isla Blanca.

Take a dive into the crystal-clear water of Isla Mujeres, use the snorkeling equipment (included), or take a ride in the Wave-runner (optional) to explore the beautiful coast.

Included: Sodas, Beer, Ron, Tequila, Vodka, Wine, Salads, Ceviche, Guacamole, and Snacks.

Schedule (Start Time):

4 Hours Charter (Morning) is at 09:00 AM/ 10:00 AM

6 Hours Charter is at 11:00 AM/ 12:00 PM/ 01:00 PM

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Нудимо следећа путовања

  • Private Per Hour Tour
    $1500 USD

    Note: 1500 USD rate is for 4 hours up to 10 persons. This Amazing 50 ft Azimut motor yacht can be hired for up to 8 hours for maximum 15 passengers. Extra Hour Price is $ 300 USD and for an additional person is $30 USD.


    Ron, Tequila, Vodka, beer, mixed cocktails, shots, juices, soda, and water

    SNAKES: Tortilla chips, freshly made guacamole, beans, rice, fresh cut salsa, and additional sauces.


    In Isla Mujeres (Salads, rice, beans soup, chicken, fish, pork, beef, and desserts).

    Price per adult $18 USD & Price per child $9 USD 

    CHEF WITH FOOD AND OPEN BAR @ $294 USD per trip for up to 4 people *each additional person is $24 USD p/p.

    CONTAINS: Rum, Tequila, Vodka, Wine, Beers, Fresh Fruits, Snacks, Guacamole, Fish and Shrimp Ceviche, Beef and Chicken Fajitas, Quesadillas, Shrimp, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, etc.

    from Cancun 165 USD /
    from Playa del Carmen 235 USD /
    from Tulum 294 USD

    Extra hour(s) 300 USD, Additional Passenger rate: 30 USD, JetSki 400 USD, CHEF WITH FOOD AND OPEN BAR 294 USD, Lunch Buffet (for adults) in Isla Mujeres (Salads, rice, beans soup, chicken, fish, pork, beef, and desserts). 18 USD, Lunch Buffet (for Child) in Isla Mujeres (Salads, rice, beans soup, chicken, fish, pork, beef, and desserts). 9 USD, Persons after 4 @ $24 p/p - if you choose CHEF WITH FOOD AND OPEN BAR 24 USD, Transportation from Cancun 165 USD, Transportation from Playa del Carmen 235 USD, Transportation from Tulum 294 USD


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Да ли нудите чартере без чамца?
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Калкулација цене

Подразумевана стопа: 800 USD

Пак Укључено у подразумевану стопу: 4

Додатна стопа путника: 80 USD

Основна цена: 550 USD

Укупна цена: 550 USD

Депозит 0 USD

Стање: 550 USD

Још увек није потребно плаћање!
1/ Прво ћемо вам послати потврду о доступности чамца.
2/ Ако одлучите да кренете даље и резервишете чартер, можете само да кликнете на линк за плаћање, да уплатите мали депозит (макс. 15%). Веза за плаћање ће бити послата са потврдом доступности.
3/ Када се депозит уплати, добићете веома детаљну потврду путовања.

Шта клијенти кажу о нашој услузи

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